Tidy Tuesday Exercise


This data was obtained from the github Importing the data

age_gaps <- readr::read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2023/2023-02-14/age_gaps.csv')

write_csv(age_gaps, here("data/age_gaps.csv"))

Let’s start by taking a glimpse at the dataset.

Rows: 1,155
Columns: 13
$ movie_name         <chr> "Harold and Maude", "Venus", "The Quiet American", …
$ release_year       <dbl> 1971, 2006, 2002, 1998, 2010, 1992, 2009, 1999, 199…
$ director           <chr> "Hal Ashby", "Roger Michell", "Phillip Noyce", "Joe…
$ age_difference     <dbl> 52, 50, 49, 45, 43, 42, 40, 39, 38, 38, 36, 36, 35,…
$ couple_number      <dbl> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, …
$ actor_1_name       <chr> "Ruth Gordon", "Peter O'Toole", "Michael Caine", "D…
$ actor_2_name       <chr> "Bud Cort", "Jodie Whittaker", "Do Thi Hai Yen", "T…
$ character_1_gender <chr> "woman", "man", "man", "man", "man", "man", "man", …
$ character_2_gender <chr> "man", "woman", "woman", "woman", "man", "woman", "…
$ actor_1_birthdate  <date> 1896-10-30, 1932-08-02, 1933-03-14, 1930-09-17, 19…
$ actor_2_birthdate  <date> 1948-03-29, 1982-06-03, 1982-10-01, 1975-11-08, 19…
$ actor_1_age        <dbl> 75, 74, 69, 68, 81, 59, 62, 69, 57, 77, 59, 56, 65,…
$ actor_2_age        <dbl> 23, 24, 20, 23, 38, 17, 22, 30, 19, 39, 23, 20, 30,…

Let’s take a look at some summary statistics on age_difference.

age_gaps %>% pull(age_difference) %>% summary()
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   0.00    4.00    8.00   10.42   15.00   52.00 

Let’s see how many unique movies are included in the dataset.

age_gaps %>% pull(movie_name) %>% n_distinct()
[1] 830

There are 830 unique movies.

Let’s also look at how many different directors appear in the dataset.

age_gaps %>% pull(director) %>% n_distinct()
[1] 510

There are 510 unique directors.

Let’s make a new variable for th the number of movies released each decade in the dataset. We’ll do this by performing integer division using %/% and multiplying by 10.

age_gaps <- age_gaps %>% 
  mutate(decade_released = 10 * (release_year %/% 10))
age_gaps %>% 
  count(decade_released) %>% 
  ggplot() + geom_line(aes(decade_released, n)) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1930,2020, 10))

We can see that the decade with the most movie releases was 2000.

Let’s create variable for the largest age difference by decade released.

age_gaps <- age_gaps %>%
  group_by(decade_released) %>% 
  mutate(max_age_diff = max(age_difference))

age_gaps %>% 
   ggplot() + 
  geom_line(data = age_gaps, aes(x = decade_released, y= max_age_diff))  + 
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1930,2020, 10))

Let’s see if we can combine these plots and add some design elements.

plot <- age_gaps %>% 
  count(decade_released) %>% 
  ggplot() + geom_line(aes(decade_released, n), color = "red", linewidth = 1) +
    geom_line(data = age_gaps, aes(x = decade_released, y= max_age_diff),
              color = "pink" , linewidth = 1)  +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1930,2020, 10)) + 
  labs(x = "Year of Movie Release", y = "Number of Movies Released",
       title = "Number of Movies Released with Love Interests and Largest Age Gap,
       by Decade") +


Let’s make the plot interactive!

remove_buttons <- list('zoom2d','pan2d','lasso2d', 'select2d','zoomIn2d',

ggplotly(plot) %>% config(modeBarButtonsToRemove = remove_buttons)  

Next, let’s switch gears entirely and find out what the most common name is among directors. We’ll need to load tidytext().


age_gaps %>% ungroup() %>%
  distinct(director) %>% 
  unnest_tokens(word, director) %>% 
  count(word, sort = TRUE) %>% 
# A tibble: 15 × 2
   word        n
   <chr>   <int>
 1 john       17
 2 david      14
 3 michael    13
 4 peter      12
 5 paul       11
 6 george     10
 7 james      10
 8 robert     10
 9 richard     7
10 jon         6
11 kevin       6
12 lee         6
13 mark        6
14 scott       6
15 steven      6

Let’s see what the most common names are among directors with a ‘large’ age difference. Let’s use observations with an age difference >= 15 years, which is >= 75th quantile.

age_gaps %>% pull(age_difference) %>% quantile()
  0%  25%  50%  75% 100% 
   0    4    8   15   52 
age_gaps %>% ungroup() %>%
  filter(age_difference >= 15) %>% 
  distinct(director) %>% 
  unnest_tokens(word, director) %>% 
  count(word, sort = TRUE) %>%
Selecting by n
# A tibble: 16 × 2
   word        n
   <chr>   <int>
 1 john        8
 2 david       6
 3 michael     5
 4 peter       5
 5 marc        4
 6 paul        4
 7 richard     4
 8 robert      4
 9 scott       4
10 george      3
11 james       3
12 joseph      3
13 lee         3
14 mike        3
15 steven      3
16 thomas      3

While the top 5 directors are identical to the previous list, Marc appears in the 6th most frequent among directors of movies with an age difference greater than or equal to 15 years.

Let’s find out which movies these Marc’s directed.

age_gaps %>%
   filter(grepl("Marc ", director)) %>%
# A tibble: 14 × 15
# Groups:   decade_released [2]
   movie_name    relea…¹ direc…² age_d…³ coupl…⁴ actor…⁵ actor…⁶ chara…⁷ chara…⁸
   <chr>           <dbl> <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
 1 The Only Liv…    2017 Marc W…      20       1 Pierce… Kate B… man     woman  
 2 All I See Is…    2017 Marc F…      18       1 Jason … Blake … man     woman  
 3 The Only Liv…    2017 Marc W…      17       2 Kate B… Callum… woman   man    
 4 The Only Liv…    2017 Marc W…       3       3 Callum… Kierse… man     woman  
 5 World War Z      2013 Marc F…      12       1 Brad P… Mireil… man     woman  
 6 The Amazing …    2012 Marc W…       5       1 Andrew… Emma S… man     woman  
 7 The Young Vi…    2009 Jean-M…       2       1 Rupert… Emily … man     woman  
 8 500 Days of …    2009 Marc W…       1       1 Zooey … Joseph… woman   man    
 9 Quantum of S…    2008 Marc F…      18       1 Daniel… Gemma … man     woman  
10 Suburban Girl    2007 Marc K…      19       1 Alec B… Sarah … man     woman  
11 Music and Ly…    2007 Marc L…      15       1 Hugh G… Drew B… man     woman  
12 Stranger Tha…    2006 Marc F…      10       1 Will F… Maggie… man     woman  
13 Two Weeks No…    2002 Marc L…       4       1 Hugh G… Sandra… man     woman  
14 Monster's Ba…    2001 Marc F…      11       1 Billy … Halle … man     woman  
# … with 6 more variables: actor_1_birthdate <date>, actor_2_birthdate <date>,
#   actor_1_age <dbl>, actor_2_age <dbl>, decade_released <dbl>,
#   max_age_diff <dbl>, and abbreviated variable names ¹​release_year,
#   ²​director, ³​age_difference, ⁴​couple_number, ⁵​actor_1_name, ⁶​actor_2_name,
#   ⁷​character_1_gender, ⁸​character_2_gender

So, it looks like our filter picked up a sneaky MarcJean-Marc. Let’s remove this observation by specifying that the director’s name must begin with Marc.

marc <- age_gaps %>%
  filter(grepl("^Marc ", director))

marc %>%
  pull(movie_name) %>%
 [1] "The Only Living Boy in New York" "Suburban Girl"                  
 [3] "All I See Is You"                "Quantum of Solace"              
 [5] "Music and Lyrics"                "World War Z"                    
 [7] "Monster's Ball"                  "Stranger Than Fiction"          
 [9] "The Amazing Spider-Man"          "Two Weeks Notice"               
[11] "500 Days of Summer"             

Let’s find the average age difference for these Marc-directed love movies

marc %>%
  pull(age_difference) %>%
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   1.00    5.00   12.00   11.77   18.00   20.00 
marc %>%
  pull(director) %>%
[1] "Marc Webb"     "Marc Klein"    "Marc Forster"  "Marc Lawrence"

Let’s also rename the director variable and drop Marc from the rows using str_replace.


marc$director <- str_replace(marc$director, "Marc ", "")

marc <- marc %>% rename(`Director Marc` = director)
marc %>% ggplot(aes(x= release_year, y= age_difference, color= `Director Marc`)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(2001, 2019, 3)) +
  labs(x = "Year of Movie Release", y = "Age Difference in Years",
       title = "Age Gaps in Movies by Marc(s) by Year Released")

While my approach to this exercise was obviously silly, I learned a lot about the tidytext package, which I’d never used before, and a useful trick for a function I use regularly!

write_csv(age_gaps, here("data/age_gaps_edited.csv"))